"There is no safety for honest men except by believing all possible evil of evil men." - Edmund Burke (1729 - 1797)

"Censorship Is What Happens When Powerful People Get Scared." - Michael Krieger (Aug 13, 2018)


I am using one topic, our personal health care decisions, to support my assertion that Freedom of Speech is the major issue in the 2024 elections worldwide because that is something which affects everyone. Should we have the ability to deal with our personal health choices or should we be required to follow the mandates of "experts?"

Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. describes easily remedied issues affecting our children and the choice to make money by treating the condoned afflictions rather than curing them. One of his lawsuits is listed below. In an interview over multiple topics, he talked about Americans being more profitable when they are sick than when they are healthy and, while writing this post, after he talked about the caged chickens and pigs plus America allowing ingredients which are banned outside of America by other nations. my realization is that the Politicians + Agencies + Big Business (trust the rich experts?) view Americans as profit centers rather than the people they claim to serve. We are just allowed to roam around in our cage as long as we obey and support the state.

California, during the "emergency" powers justified by COVID-19, in 2023, disallowed our doctors from having a discussion that did not conform with Assembly Bill 2098 requirements โ€“ "A new law in California will punish doctors if they give their patients information related to COVID-19 that does not conform to "contemporary scientific consensus" and can be deemed "misinformation" or "disinformation' by the California Medical Board or California Osteopathic Board. Assembly Bill 2098 was sponsored by State Senator Richard Pan, a pediatrician, and signed into law by Governor Gavin Newsom on September 30, 2022. It is scheduled to go into effect Jan. 1, 2023, and allows doctors to be charged with unprofessional conduct and put on probation of no less than five years or be suspended and lose their medical license. 1 2 3 4" It was challenged by AFLD plus other organizations.

Following, are listed two lawsuits against the American government for doing on American soil what they are currently outsourcing to other entities and countries with some of the instances in which they are doing it against rather than standing up for American companies who generate a portion of the tax revenue used to destroy those same companies as well as suppress the citizens of those nations, such as Brazil, funded with American tax dollars laundered through an NGO set up as Mike Benz has described in his BLOB activities descriptions including Rent A Mob to overthrow other nations brought home to America in the "2020 Summer of Love.". Did you wonder why domestic terrorist activities were relatively immune from prosecution while they burned down cities, killed and injured people?

1. Alex Berensen vs Biden is an ongoing legal action with the purpose of holding our government accountable to the people for having suppressed accurate, beneficial health information and informing the people who want to perform their civic duty = gather and vet information, analyze it and do our part in choosing a government which is responsive to US rather one which views itself as our Master, allied with Big Pharma.

But crucial details of the Murthy vs Missouri ruling may actually HELP my suit. ALEX BERENSON JUN 27, 2024

"A certain threshold showing: namely, that a particular defendant pressured a particular platform to censor a particular topic before that platform suppressed a particular plaintiff's speech on that topic.

The evidence James Lawrence, my lawyer, and I have presented in Berenson v Biden easily surpasses that bar".

August 21, 2024 โ€บ Censorship/Surveillance โ€บ COVID โ€บ News


Breaking: RFK Jr. and CHD Get Green Light to Sue Biden Administration for Censorship by Brenda Baletti, Ph.D. AUGUST 21, 2024

A Louisiana district court ruled late Tuesday that Robert F. Kennedy Jr. and Children's Health Defense have legal standing to sue the Biden administration for colluding with tech giants to censor their social media posts, in a decision that listed specific instances of government officials targeting Kennedy and CHD.


Do humans need experts to control what they can and cannot discuss with each other? Will our 2024 American Election preserve the First Amendment or will we see the implementation of the WEF dream of a CCP level of control over speech?

Nicole Shanahan on her transition to an Independent from a Democrat and Transhumanism. She is the ex-wife of Sergey Brin, one of Googles founders and a Democrat until 2024 as well as Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.'s running mate. She transitioned because of her experience with healthcare.

Taxpayer dollars are funding through a circuitous path taken to deny the American citizen the right to important information as was done when the BLOB controlled Twitter prior to Elon Musk who acquired it for the benefit of humanity and per his explanation shown at the end of this post, for the users on Twitter to get access to free and open discussions such as several True, Important to Know pieces of information which were suppressed, benefitting those in pursuit of money and power at the physical and financial expense of those whom our government leaders are sworn to protect = a betrayal and a violation of their Oath of Office. Some politicians, Big Pharma, Big Tech and the Military Industrial Complex with their mainstream media marketing arm are using their power to conquer America from within and their CENSORSHIP efforts are in danger of being exposed and defeated.

Because they refuse to censor, Rumble is banned in Brazil, France

The reason that "Financing for censorship of Brazilian citizens' text messages is coming from USAID, the State Department, and the National Endowment for Democracy." - Foundation for Freedom Online Report during their election โ€“ BLOB connection โ€“ Musk X is a threat to exposing what is True with Community Notes challenging ludicrous posts by state propagandists

@MikeBenzCyber on gives a very good overview of the structure and how it operates funneling American funds to support what is in the interest of the State Department, 2, 3, 4, but not necessarily in the interest of the American citizen who supply those funds.

The BLOB Constitutional work around (America is funding the destruction of our Constitutional Right to Free Speech) is to work with allies outside of the United States to destroy free speech because there is a worldwide populist verses statists conflict with Lawfare, Censorship, Rent A Mob strategies employed to silence dissent.

The actions against and threats if Rumble and X do not censor arise as a part of this war against Free Speech platforms such as X and Rumble which are funded by American tax dollars. "Censorship Industry: GARM Members Receive Billions in Federal Contracts News, Reports August 1, 2024

"The federal government is sending billions of dollars of U.S. taxpayer money to four of the big six global advertising agencies, which include some of the leading architects of online censorship. These multinational corporations have spent much of the last decade demanding online censorship of "hate speech," "disinformation," and "harmful content" on social media platforms,..."

X has pulled out of Brazil totally due to Brazilโ€™s threats and actions against X and Starlink. The EU is looking into ways to force X to censor.

Employing censorship is a proclamation that Evil is behind what is being done. Good is transparent and enlists people. Evil needs to silence and control people. No nation operating in the interest of its people will silence and control them as modern-day slaves on an evolved version of the Plantation.

Chris Pavlovski, the Canadian founder of Rumble refuses to be intimidated and Rumble is banned in Russia, China, Brazil and France which is an indication of the direction we are going. Rumble gives a platform to a wide variety of creators and topics including the Committee on House Administration, Subcommittee on Oversight which posts January 6, 2021 Capitol video footage for people to refer to when vetting what they are told.

The Revolutionary War
America's Founding Fathers pledged their Lives, Fortunes and Sacred Honor to create a Republic to protect Human's Natural Rights

The Civil War
100's of 1000's of Americans fought and abolished Slavery
"As he died to make men holy, let us die to make men free."

2024 Push to Censor unapproved content
What are we willing to do to keep men free?